Results for 'Marilyn Galvin Stewart'

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  1.  18
    Aesthetics and the Art Curriculum.Marilyn Galvin Stewart - 1994 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 28 (3):77.
  2. Horrendous Evils and The Goodness of God.Marilyn McCord Adams & Stewart Sutherland - 1989 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 63 (1):297-323.
  3. Myth and Tragic Action in La Celestina and Romeo and Juliet in The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic, Epic, Tragic. The Literary Genre.Marilyn Stewart - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 18:425-433.
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    Puzzles about Art.Marilyn G. Stewart - 1991 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 25 (2):109.
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    Talking about Student ArtAssessment in Art EducationThinking through Aesthetics.Julie Van Camp, Terry Barrett, Donna Kay Beattie & Marilyn G. Stewart - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (3):117.
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    Ivan Karamazov is a hopeless romantic.Toby Betenson - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (1):65-73.
    Ivan Karamazov is frequently used, and misused, in discussions concerning the problem of evil. The purpose of this article is to correct some pervasive misinterpretations of Ivan’s statement, as found in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. I criticise some common misinterpretations, as exemplified in the theodical work of Marilyn Adams and John Hick, as well as the more nuanced interpretation of Stewart Sutherland. Though Sutherland’s interpretation is the strongest, it nevertheless misses the mark in identifying Ivan as a positivist. (...)
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  7. Simple truth, contradiction, and consistency.Stewart Shapiro - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb, The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
  8. (1 other version)Philosophy of Mathematics: Structure and Ontology.Stewart Shapiro - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (198):120-123.
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  9. The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory.Marilyn Frye - 1983 - Trumansburg, NY: The Crossing Press.
    Politics of Reality includes nine essays that examine sexism, the exploitation of women, the gay rights movement and other topics from a feminist perspective. -/- The essays "The Problem That Has No Name" and "A Note On Anger" have been translated into Spanish by Maria Lugones for circulation in la Asociacion Argentina de Mujeres en Filosofia.
  10. Logical Consequence: Models and Modality.Stewart Shapiro - 1998 - In Matthias Schirn, The Philosophy of Mathematics Today: Papers From a Conference Held in Munich From June 28 to July 4,1993. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. pp. 131–156.
  11. Justification and truth.Stewart Cohen - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 46 (3):279--95.
  12. (1 other version)Understanding the Infinite.Shaughan Lavine & Stewart Shapiro - 1994 - Studia Logica 63 (1):123-128.
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  13. ""Bertrand Russell," On Denoting"(1905) and" Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types"(1908).Stewart Shapiro - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Gregory M. Reichberg & Bernard N. Schumacher, The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 460.
  14. What are friends for?: feminist perspectives on personal relationships and moral theory.Marilyn Friedman - 1993 - Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
    A contribution to the feminist discussion on moral theory, exploring the debate between moral impartiality and the partiality that characterizes personal relationships, the ethic of care and its relation to justice in a gender asymmetrical society, and the role of intimate friendship in an era of the dissolution of both extended and nuclear families.
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  15. Prolegomenon To Any Future Neo‐Logicist Set Theory: Abstraction And Indefinite Extensibility.Stewart Shapiro - 2003 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (1):59-91.
    The purpose of this paper is to assess the prospects for a neo‐logicist development of set theory based on a restriction of Frege's Basic Law V, which we call (RV): ∀P∀Q[Ext(P) = Ext(Q) ≡ [(BAD(P) & BAD(Q)) ∨ ∀x(Px ≡ Qx)]] BAD is taken as a primitive property of properties. We explore the features it must have for (RV) to sanction the various strong axioms of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory. The primary interpretation is where ‘BAD’ is Dummett's ‘indefinitely extensible’.1 Background: what (...)
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  16. Kenneth A Richman, Ethics and the Metaphysics of Medicine: Reflections on Health and Beneficence Reviewed by.Robert Scott Stewart - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25 (6):433-435.
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  17. Contextualism and Skepticism.Stewart Cohen - 2000 - Philosophical Issues 10 (1):94-107.
  18. Why Basic Knowledge is Easy Knowledge.Stewart Cohen - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (2):417-430.
    The problem of easy knowledge arises for theories that have what I call a “basic knowledge structure”. S has basic knowledge of P just in case S knows P prior to knowing that the cognitive source of S's knowing P is reliable.1 Our knowledge has a basic knowledge structure (BKS) just in case we have basic knowledge and we come to know our faculties are reliable on the basis of our basic knowledge. The problem I raised in “Basic Knowledge and (...)
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  19. Induction and Indefinite Extensibility: The Gödel Sentence is True, but Did Someone Change the Subject?Stewart Shapiro - 1998 - Mind 107 (427):597-624.
    Over the last few decades Michael Dummett developed a rich program for assessing logic and the meaning of the terms of a language. He is also a major exponent of Frege's version of logicism in the philosophy of mathematics. Over the last decade, Neil Tennant developed an extensive version of logicism in Dummettian terms, and Dummett influenced other contemporary logicists such as Crispin Wright and Bob Hale. The purpose of this paper is to explore the prospects for Fregean logicism within (...)
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  20. How to Blame People Responsibly.Marilyn Friedman - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (3):271-284.
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    Kierkegaard’s Relations to Hegel Reconsidered.Jon Stewart - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Jon Stewart's study is a major re-evaluation of the complex relations between the philosophies of Kierkegaard and Hegel. The standard view on the subject is that Kierkegaard defined himself as explicitly anti-Hegelian, indeed that he viewed Hegel's philosophy with disdain. Jon Stewart shows convincingly that Kierkegaard's criticism was not of Hegel but of a number of contemporary Danish Hegelians. Kierkegaard's own view of Hegel was in fact much more positive to the point where he was directly influenced by (...)
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  22. Common sense and the mental lives of animals: An empirical approach.Harold A. Herzog & Shelley Galvin - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles, Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 237--253.
  23. Rationality and Truth.Stewart Cohen & Juan Comesaña - forthcoming - In Julien Dutant, The New Evil Demon: New Essays on Knowledge, Justification and Rationality. Oxford University PRess.
    The traditional view in epistemology is that we must distinguish between being rational and being right (that is also, by the way, the traditional view about practical rationality). In his paper in this volume, Williamson proposes an alternative view according to which only beliefs that amount to knowledge are rational (and, thus, no false belief is rational). It is healthy to challenge tradition, in philosophy as much as elsewhere. But, in this instance, we think that tradition has it right. In (...)
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  24. Feminism and modern friendship: Dislocating the community.Marilyn Friedman - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):275-290.
  25. Reasons to believe and reasons to act.Stewart Cohen - 2016 - Episteme 13 (4):427-438.
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  26. The practice of partiality.Marilyn Friedman - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):818-835.
    This essay counteracts that trend [regarding the debate about whether partiality can be justified, those supporting impartiality have generally been on the offensive arguing that morality calls for impartiality] by taking a closer look at the moral complexity of our social practices of partiality. My adoption of this approach does not represent an endorsement of current notions of impartiality. The ideal of impartiality, in my view, should be substantially reformulated. However, that the concept of partiality is transparently defensible. In this (...)
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  27. Attitudes of students and accounting practitioners concerning the ethical acceptability of earnings management.Marilyn Fischer & Kenneth Rosenzweig - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (6):433 - 444.
    There are many ways that accountants and managers can influence the reported accounting results of their organizational units. When such influence is directed at changing the amount of reported earnings, it is known as earnings management. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of surveys of undergraduate students, MBA students, and practicing accountants concerning their attitudes on the ethical acceptability of earnings management. Analysis of the survey results reveals how the attitudes of the three groups differ and (...)
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  28. Knowledge, assertion, and practical reasoning.Stewart Cohen - 2004 - Philosophical Issues 14 (1):482–491.
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    Drifting Continents and Colliding Paradigms: Perspectives on the Geoscience Revolution.John A. Stewart - 1990 - Indiana University Press.
    "The book provides an excellent historical summary of the debates over continental drift theory in this century." —Contemporary Sociology "This is a useful discussion of the way that science works. The book will be of value to philosophers of science... " —Choice "... will find an important place in university and department libraries, and will interest afficionados of the factual and intellectual history of the earth sciences." —Terra Nova "... an excellent core analysis... " —The Times Higher Education Supplement "... (...)
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  30. Friendship and moral growth.Marilyn Friedman - 1989 - Journal of Value Inquiry 23 (1):3-13.
  31.  43
    Women in Philosophy.Marilyn Friedman - 2013 - In Katrina Hutchison & Fiona Jenkins, Women in Philosophy: What Needs to Change? New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 21.
  32. The truth about F. H. Bradley.Stewart Candlish - 1989 - Mind 98 (391):331-348.
  33. Plantinga on “Felix Culpa”.Marilyn McCord Adams - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (2):123-140.
    In “Supralapsarianism, or ‘O Felix Culpa,’” Alvin Plantinga turns from defensive apologetics to the project of Christian explanation and offers a supralapsarian theodicy: the reason God made us in a world like this is that God wanted to create a world including the towering goods of Incarnation and atonement—goods which are appropriate only in worlds containing a sufficient amount of sin, suffering, and evil as well. Plantinga’s approach makes human agents and their sin, suffering and evil, instrumental means to the (...)
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    Different rates of agreement on acceptance and rejection: A statistical artifact?Marilyn E. Demorest - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):144-145.
  35. Willful Virgin: Essays in Feminism, 1976-1992.Marilyn Frye - 1992 - Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press.
    The common theme in this collection is rejection of assimilation, an embrace of boundary living, and a commitment to women's invention of women at and beyond the limits of patriarchy.
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    Studio Art, Praxis, Symbol, Presence.Diana Korzenik & Marilyn Zurmuehlen - 1994 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 28 (4):112.
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  37. Kierkegaard's pseudonyms.Katalin Nun & Jon Stewart (eds.) - 2015 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
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    John Duns Scotus: A Treatise on Memory and Intuition from Codex A of ORDINATION IV, Distinctio 45, Question 3.Allan B. Wolter & Marilyn McCord Adams - 1993 - Franciscan Studies 53 (1):193-211.
  39. Pettit's civic republicanism and male domination.Marilyn Friedman - 2008 - In Cecile Laborde & John Maynor, Republicanism and Political Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  40. (1 other version)Categories in Distress.Marilyn Frye - 2005 - In Barbara S. Andrew, Jean Clare Keller & Lisa H. Schwartzman, Feminist Interventions in Ethics and Politics: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 41-58.
    Images of species, sets, and containers, combined with an obsolete positivist theory of meaning and a curiously illogical interpretation of a structuralist understanding of meaning, together have driven feminists and their critics to find unavoidable essentialism and binary totalism in feminist theorists' use of the category WOMEN. This paper explores an enriched imagination for how categories can be structured internally and in relations to other categories, and proposes that we need to think categories simultaneously through multiple and mixed metaphors, including (...)
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  41. The Resurrection of the Body According to Three Medieval Aristotelians.Marilyn McCord Adams - 1992 - Philosophical Topics 20 (2):1-33.
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    The Impracticality of Impartiality in Eighty-sixth Annual Meeting American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division.Marilyn Friedman & H. Mcgary - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (11):645-658.
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    Body, mind, and other Scottish concordances.Charles Stewart-Robertson - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
  44. Equivalence: A novel basis for model comparison.T. C. Stewart & R. L. West - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G., Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 659--664.
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  45. Fakes, frauds, and fools.Don Douglas Stewart - 1972 - Miracle Valley, Ariz.,: Don Stewart Evangelistic Assoc..
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    Impious fidelity: Anna Freud, psychoanalysis, politics.Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg - 2011 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    A wider social stage -- Girls will be boys : gender, envy, and the Freudian social contract -- Anna-Antigone : experiments in group upbringing -- The defense of psychoanalysis/the anxiety of politics -- Conclusion : ego politics.
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    Johan Ludvig Heiberg: philosopher, littérateur, dramaturge, and political thinker.Jon Bartley Stewart (ed.) - 2008 - Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.
    The hope is that this collection will encourage students and scholars to further explore the different dimensions of Heiberg's thought, both on its own terms ...
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    Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and Modern Traditions: Philosophy.Jon Bartley Stewart (ed.) - 2008 - Ashgate.
    t. 1. Philosophy -- t. 2. Theology -- t. 3. Literature, drama, and music.
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  49. Kelsen and the Exegetical Tradition.Iain Stewart - 1986 - In Richard Tur & William Twining, Essays on Kelsen. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 123--46.
    Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law, presented as a form of legal positivism, is interpreted as establishing metaphysical bases of legal science, on analogy with Kant’s “metaphysical bases of natural science (Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft)”. It is asked, in the light of the Pure Theory’s acknowledged difficulties, how far it succeeds in escaping from the exegetical tradition in Western legal theory.
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  50. Kierkegaardiańska krytyka abstrakcji i jedno z proponowanych rozwiązań: przyswojenie.Jon Stewart - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (17).
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